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YEAR 9 : WORLD WAR I: Battles

Battles of World War I

There were many crucial and deadly battles in WWI. The first video examines what is considered the 'bloodiest'  battle of WWI, from an Australian perspective. Below this video are two short videos outlining Australian battles on the Western Front and Gallipoli.

In France there is a river that some Australians will never forget. It is a place where some of the bloodiest battles of the first world war occurred, it is called the Somme.

Kate Aubusson takes a thought provoking look at the battles of the Western Front, and identifies key sites where the AIF fought - why have they been so forgotten?

What really happened at Gallipoli? On location at the Gallipoli Peninsula, Kate Aubusson re-examines the 1915 Campaign in context to the landscape and it's overall significance if WW1.

Explore Further

Here are some reliable websites on key WWI battles that Australian soldiers were involved in.